
Wedding Wonder

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Wedding Planning Marketing – Q&A on Sales

Wedding Planning Marketing – Q&A on Sales

What’s the most effective way to advertise a wedding planning business?
First, be clear about exactly the type of services you want to offer and the type of clients that you want to work with. Calling yourself a wedding planner means different things to different people. Do you want to specialize in high-end expensive weddings for a select few? Perhaps you’d rather target the less expensive but larger middle-class market?
Think about being a specialist. You could specialize in creating and planning exotic destination weddings like tropical resorts or other interesting locations. Perhaps you could specialize in certain ethnic or religious ceremonies.
Where’s the best place to advertise wedding planning services?
Before you advertise, get clear about whom your ideal client is and what services you want to provide.

Should I advertise online?
No doubt today’s bride is shopping online when it comes to selecting goods and services for her wedding. Obviously, you want to be online so that customers can find you. If you don’t have a website it is very hard for clients to accept you as being a competent professional. So yes, you definitely need a website.
Should I advertise on wedding directories like TheKnot.com?
That depends on the market you wish to serve. If you know for a fact that your ideal clients are searching on wedding websites for vendors then yes, absolutely advertise there. But do your homework first.
Make sure that your online presence includes a plan to convert website visitors into sales leads. If all you’re doing is sending visitors from your directory listing to your website home page, you are not doing an effective job. You need to send visitors to a specific landing page that will engage them and encourage them to contact you.
How do I get more leads from my website?
After you get website traffic, you need to convert those visitors into leads. Ideally you want them to call or email you, but brides just starting to shop around are likely to leave your page without doing wither. That’s why you must offer an incentive for the bride to give you her contact information. Offer to send her a free book on wedding planning, a free PDF report or a discount coupon package worth hundreds of dollars off of services from a number of vendors that you work with. When give the bride a good reason to give you her e-mail address she will. Make your special offer enticing enough and you’ll have plenty of leads.
There’s lots of ways to attract leading clients online without spending a whole bunch of money. Right now you can download a free copy of more clients now for free. This report will show you how to use 10 breakthrough tools to attract qualified clients. This is a limited time offer download your copy now.