
Wedding Wonder

Making Your Dream Wedding a Reality

Special Sizes of Wedding Invitations

Special Sizes of Wedding Invitations

The choices associated with wedding invitations are truly endless. One of your first selections will involve the wide range of sizes and shapes available. Many common sizes are typically in the area of 5 1/2″ x 8″, give or take a little on each side. Here we are going to discuss a few unique sizes that have become popular and are quite distinctive in their appearance. It will be helpful to become familiar with them in preparation for your wedding invitation shopping.

  • Square invitations are typically single cards that are larger in size often requiring extra mailing postage. This notation may appear within the product description but you should always take one that is ready to mail to the Post Office for an official opinion.
  • Tea length wedding invitations are typically 9 1/4″ x 4″ making them a unique size. Their layout and design can be either vertical or horizontal in appearance.
  • Seal n send invitations are longer in length due to their multi-panel design with the very bottom panel being a response postcard that easily detaches for guests to return. This all-in-one invitation design is folded up and sealed into its own self-mailing piece using marked folding lines. They are known as being economical since they don’t require a mailing envelope and the response postcard that is attached eliminates a return envelope and saves on postage since only a postcard stamp is needed. Prices usually include both the return address printed on the outside panel and also the return mailing address printed on the response postcard.
  • Pocket wedding invites come in various sizes, especially in their pre-assembled form. If there is a pocket to hold enclosure cards, it can be located either on the side or on the bottom of the design. The invitation card itself can be square or long in length which will determine the finished size once it’s all assembled for mailing. Again, be sure to check with the Post Office to be sure you are using the correct amount of postage, especially on self-mailer pocket styles.
  • Shapes – Wedding invitations are also available in themed shapes, such as playing cards/poker chips, vineyard wine bottles, autumn leaves, seashells, luggage tag, etc. Often times the unique shapes are smaller in size so your information will be spread onto several pieces that are then strung together with a ribbon. On occasion, even enclosure cards may be in a shape closely related to the themed invitation. Choosing a shape design will certainly make your invitations memorable.

You’ll probably encounter many sizes of wedding invitations or you may decide to seek out one of the specific sizes mentioned here if it sounds interesting to you.