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How to Passionately Propose Marriage to Your Girlfriend

How to Passionately Propose Marriage to Your Girlfriend

Proposing marriage to your girlfriend is a major milestone in your relationship. It is undoubtedly something you have been looking forward to doing for quite some time. However, it is almost certain your girlfriend has been waiting for you to pop the question for even longer, so make it count. Marriage proposal is one of the most special events a couple can share together.

One of the first things you need to do is shop for the ring. The engagement ring is the most important part of the entire proposal. Choosing something fabulous like a cushion cut rose gold engagement ring is vital. After all, you are professing your undying love to her, so give her a ring that shows her your true feelings.

Proposing marriage puts an enormous amount of pressure on a man because you must make sure the timing is right and that the event goes down without a hitch. Having a gorgeous ring in your pocket will definitely take the stress level down a bit, as you will be prepared for the big moment. Choose a piece of jeweler that is her style. Rings come in gold, silver, platinum, and many other precious metals.

Once you have met with the jeweler and chosen a spectacular cushion cut, princess diamond, or any other variety of diamond ring, it is time to start thinking about the location in which you will pop the question. This spot should be sentimental such as the restaurant where you two had your first date or on a beautiful bridge, that overlooks the water during sunset.

When you take your girlfriend back to the place where your love began and give her an engagement ring, this signifies that you are ready to take this next step in your relationship. Your girlfriend will see that you are a person who pays attention to the little details, and this will melt her heart.

Up the ante of the proposal by arranging to have her friends and family present when you ask her to marry you. If you are a bit of a traditional fellow, this also allows you to meet with her father beforehand so that you may ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. This act in itself is extremely special and shows off your respectful side.

Friends and family can be right at the location with you or watch the proposal from afar. Once your girlfriend accepts your proposal, they can emerge to give hugs, kisses, and congratulations. This will also give them a chance to ogle over the gorgeous rose gold or silver ring you have just placed on her finger.

Consider hiring a professional photographer to capture this very special moment in your lives. The photographer can hang out at the proposal location and remain unseen by your girlfriend until after the proposal. Once you propose and place the cushion cut ring on her finger, she will be overwhelmed with emotion and the photographer will be able to capture these uninhibited moments.

An added bonus to hiring a photographer is being able to develop and frame the photos to give to your bride on your wedding day as a special token of your love. This simple act will have your new bride bursting with admiration, love, and passion for you.

If the two of you have a special song that has sentimental meaning, consider finding a way to have this music playing in the background. Special music sets the atmosphere and provides an intimate setting for your proposal. Once you propose, you can gather her in your arms and seal the deal with a kiss and slow dance.