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How to Design Websites and 5 Things Every Beginning Web Designer Will Face

How to Design Websites and 5 Things Every Beginning Web Designer Will Face

Most of us aren’t computer savvy so designing websites isn’t quite second nature. So when it comes to designing your going to run into a few problems

1. Technical Know How
2. Expensive Software
3. Hosting
4. Web Address
5. Time

These 5 things can be ca nightmare or a walk in the park.

What you need is some software a few pointers which I can give to you. You really don’t have to be computer savvy to design a website. Nor do you have to spend ton’s of money on software to build this Gorgeous Looking website. Unless you build sites for High income clients then you can save you money and settle with free for now.

Technical Know How

There really is no way around the technique know how option. You going to have to spend a couple hours to understand what it is that your actually doing. It’s important to understand how links work so when something is not showing up on the site then you know how to fix it.

You also need to understand a little about HTML, so if you need to place code on the website then you can do so knowing where to do it.

Avoiding Expensive Software

There is a software the lots of experience tech people use and it’s called NVU. This make designing website easy as cutting a pie. You can almost have no knowledge of HTML and still be able to design a nice website.

The good News is that it’s Free. The bad news is that you have to actually spend time to get familiar with the software operations. But it’s worth it.

Choosing the Right Hosting

Every website needs a home, and this home we call Hosting Servers. You going to need to get a domain name and establish hosting with a company of your choosing. I personally like over sea’s hosting because it’s really cheap and gets the job done.

make sure you choose a reliable, and proven company because you don’t want potential clients browsing your site while you site is being taking down. Go daddy is a good one and Gatorhost.

You need a Web Address

When designing a website you want to pick the theme of what you want then choose a name related to that them. So if you were going to build a website for Real Estate then you should have a domain like RealEstate4You.com.

Kinda a no brainer. If your going for sales, and brand recognition then i would say buy a .com or .net, but for information purposes, I would do a .info or .biz. To get domain name you should go to GoDaddy.com for cheap names.

It will Take Time

Last is time, It’s going to take time to build an design the way you want it to look. Sometimes you will run into software technical issues that would delay the design process.

Make sure you put in time to test the sites operations and links. One thing you need to remember is your “index.html” file will be the file that is automatically opened when someone put’s in there chosen domain name.

In this article you have learned the things involved in designing a website and how to design with Free Software.